My thoughts on this is that we all are progressing through "recovery" from a cult. We are all at different levels in our recovery. The continum runs from A - Z in anything.
Sometimes when you leave, or get kicked out, of something so mind altering as this one goes to the Z place which is the extreme opposite of A. The goal in therapy, life and in "recovery from J.W.'s, in my opinion, is to bring my life to the middle around L - P. And then lead my life with all my J.W. insecurities all gone.
This forum gives me support in this process. Support that I never had, when I was first disfellowshipped and stripped of family and friends.
Some humour is good, .. for the newly leaving J.W. person.. it lets the stress off. So, I have begun reading the humour section, every night before I go to bed.. and it has helped not to wake up in the bad dreams and sleepless nights that are recurrent. I don't particularly like dirty words, or bad language but if it's humour that doesn't suit my taste then I can choose to skip over that.
It's sometimes all about choice.. something that J.W.'s don't have.
Special K